This book, coming Spring 2026, is the first installment in the Epic Greek Mythological Series OLYMPUS RECLAIMED.
A girl from a quiet village is transformed into a legendary monster, punished by the Gods for the crime of… having a romantic first date with a guy she didn’t realize was in a relationship. Then some strange boy named Perseus shows up dead set on chopping off her head, although it turns out he’s… actually kinda nice? Join our heroine Medusa as she tries to dodge the bloody destiny set for her by the Gods, learns just how powerful she really is, and finds a way to save the kingdom that doesn’t involve innocent girls dying or getting married to twice-their-age creeps.
Then, continue with us as she gathers a team of monsters, cast-offs, and would-be victims from all across Mythic Greece:
The multi-book thrilling culmination of this serieswill see Medusa and her companions cement their legacy and confront power and patriarchy personified at the peak of Mount Olympus.
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